
State-of-the-art technology is the surname of the group’s laboratories which have modern machines and equipment that streamline the verification process of the analyzed products as well as further refining the results obtained with minute details and precise numbers.

Prepared for high precision analysis we use various chemical and technological techniques such as Atomic Absorption and X-ray and Optical Emission. Analysis results have gained more agility since their deployment.


Used in the manufacture of our products, every raw material is sampled and analyzed batch by batch in order to obtain as much information and detail as possible to ensure the elaboration of our products step by step as well as to assure the quality and quality.assist in the traceability process.

With trained and trained professionals obeying the strictest safety rules White Solder constantly invests in the computerization of its processes innovation and pioneering in cutting-edge methodologies and in the training of its technical team. All to provide its customers with complete reliable and quality solutions.

Committed to the quality of our products and customer service our labs also take samples and analyze products ordered by White Solder or the customer offering a complete service to further ensure our choice of supplier.

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